Abstract Submission

The submission site for abstracts is now open.  Please submit a GEC abstract through the APS website (http://abstracts.aps.org) by June 19, 2015. The length for the text of the abstract is limited to 1300 characters. Post-deadline papers will not be accepted.

— If you do not have an APS ID number, please use the code “GEC” instead.
— If you made a mistake and did not submit an ICRP abstract yet, please withdraw your abstract and submit a revised version.
— For all problems with abstract submission, please contact abs-help@aps.org for assistance.  The conference organizers cannot help you.

Authors are strongly encouraged to also submit a two-page abstract for the ICRP proceedings volume by June 19, 2015.  Please be advised that the GEC abstract must be submitted first, and the log number must be indicated, before the ICRP abstract can be submitted. Shortly after submission of the GEC abstract, you will receive emails from the APS site, which will acknowledge receipt of the GEC abstract and also direct you to the ICRP submission site  http://www.plasma.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp/icrp-9/submissions_step2.html#page.

If you made a mistake and already submitted an ICRP abstract that required the log number of the GEC abstract, please contact abs-help@aps.org immediately for assistance.